The Knights Tour Problem
Target of the simulation program is to find some solutions off the "Knight Tour Problem".
Imagine a chess board and try to jump to each field once with the knight and return back to the origin.
Explanation of the output:
If you follow the numbers in the field (starting from 1), you'll make a complete turn on the chess board.
The Solution Count tells you how many solutions the program has found yet.
Minimun tells you wich level the backtracking has reached already.
Starting position should be clear.
The jump list is a more internal output of the solution:
1 is defined as 2 steps up, 1 left
2 is defined as 2 steps up, 1 step right
3 is defined as 1 step up, 2 steps right
and so on a against clockwise.
JumpingCounter counts all jumps (the succesful and the failed jumps)
LoadCounter is the Number of turns the simulation does between printing a result.
This value is regulated, so that every about 5 seconds a result is printed.
The Time value is the mesure for the regulator an should be 5s.
Jumps/Second shows how fast the simulation runs (this is the result for my 600MHz Duron box)
The license is public domain, so do whatever you want.
This program comes with no warranty.
The programming language is ANSI-C.
The natural language is german (maybe I change this if I have some time)
The OS is Linux, it runs on DOS(Windows, ...) too.
source code: knights_tour.c
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created with quanta 2.00, werner.ho(AT) 2003-06-16