last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 2828717 La Vouge

Names: name=La Vouge
References: ref:sandre=U1410500
Destination: La Saône
OSM: 2828717
Way members: 28

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
135548317480307988 480307989
225815623264587442 264587443 264587444
335593592368843179 368843181 368843182 484358678

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
70877453368843179 368843181 368843182 484358671 484358672 484358678 484358689 484358692 484358696 484358705 494679661 494679662 494679664 494679667 498635489 498635495 655306606 655306608 664426003 664426004 664426005 664426006 664426007 664426008 664426009 664426010 664426011 664426012 710704741
210989229230089591 480307988 480307989 480308006 480308008 498947331 498947333 720289259 720289260
225815623225815626 264587442 264587443 264587444 484358701 484358705 484358710 484358714 484358718 491827449 491827450 711864432 711864433 718974676 718974677
335593592368950494 368950499 368950508 368950517 368950523 368950535 368950539 484358659 484358665 484358666
368950449368950495 368950498 368950503 368950504 368950507 368950510 368950514 368950516 368950518 368950525 368950528 368950532 368950534 368950537
368950461368950493 368950497 368950501 368950502 368950505 368950506 368950509 368950512 368950520 368950521 368950530 368950538 368950540 368950541 368950542

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010