last update: 2019-12-27

OSM Waterway: 531553 Gieselau

Names: name=Gieselau
Wikipedia: (de:) (wd)
Destination: Nord-Ostsee-Kanal
OSM: 531553
Way members: 15

Downstream Waterway Relations

Upstream Waterway Relations

Downstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Downstream Ways
42887505179894515 179894517 179894564 179894569 179894578 179894580 179894586 179894589 179894597 179894598 179894602 179894603 179894606 179894619 179894620
89816197179425581 180364612 180364620 461583907
177926035177926033 177926034 314140810 314140811 314140813 314140823 314140843 314140861 314140869 461583909
337352795145150641 337352802 337352806 337352816 356457914

Upstream Waterway Ways

Way of this relation Upstream Ways
42887505177926033 177926034 179894515 179894517 179894564 179894569 179894575 179894578 179894580 179894586 179894589 179894592 179894597 179894598 179894602 179894603 179894606 179894619 179894620 323909480 323909520 323909531 431155936 431155949 431155952 431155959 431155962 431155966 431155972 431155973 431155975 431155979 431155983 431155989 431155995 461583909 461763970 461763974 461763975 461763976 461763977 466977840
5301597933077431 177476190 185819833 185819834 726979105 726979106
89646876177477056 178610574 180364610
89816197179425580 179425581 179425583 179742363 180364597 180364601 180364604 180364605 180364609 180364617 180364619 180364626 180364627 180364834
177926035466977820 466977821
18935544989796818 89796837 180148117
30372776989796813 89796816 185946404 185946405
337370455337370453 337370456 337370458 337370459 337370460 356457915

Werner Hoch
Last modified: Sat Dec 25 10:26:06 CET 2010